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Hi, I am Raluca.

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Founder + CSO @Better

After 23 years in adland I'm still an ad nerd in love with the business. I started planning in my 20's and ever since I covered basically all roles from strategic planner@McCann to CSO @Publicis, regionally and globally. 

I see advertising as a platform that helps brands have a better relationship with the world. Few brands actually had the courage to do just that and together we transformed the business, winning all kinds of industry accolades from Euro Effies to Gold Cannes Lion or D&AD White Pencil. 

I started Better knowing that ideas flow better (pun intended) in smaller groups of people who liked and envied each other's work for decades. My role @Better is to solve problems with creativity. 

If you have an exciting problem that needs creative solving, let's see if we can make things better.

Let's talk!

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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