Aqua Carpatica - Purity Test
The 1st test destined to give people the power to see what kind of water they drink.
Gold Cannes Lion @ PR
Grand Effie
D&AD White Pencil

Storia - TRAI Index
The 1st real-estate index that helps people find more than a house, but a place to live.
Effie Gold @ Marketing Innovation
Effie Silver @ Data Driven
Effie Silver @ Marketing Disruptors
Effie Bronze @ Branded Utility
Gold Euro Effie @Marketing Innovation
Sabre Awards
Kantar Mentions
Internetics Digital Client Of The Year

Live Till The Last Drop
Whilst other water brands will remind you to hydrate, Bonaqua is here to champion living till the last drop. When we chug life, when are giving our all, we are living to the fullest, so if we are thirsty, it means we’ve probably done something right.

Regina Maria - Music to my brain
The 1st audio tool that helps patients experince an anxiety-free MRI.

Regina Maria - You are stronger than you think
#YouAreStrongerThanYouThink is a reminder of what extraordinary medicine gives to patients: the power to fight back even the worst diagnostic..
Silver@ Effies

Carrefour - Open the Romanian Wine
The 1st time when Romanian wine showcased on.a NY Times iconic billboards, months before the official listing across US retail outlets.
The event happend on the 1st of December, Romania National Day to celebrate our priceless wine making tradition and Romanian excuisite wines.
Bronze@ Effies

Carrefour - Act for Good
When all retailers buy loyalty with discounts and prizes, Carrefour builds a community of purpose around a loyalty app.
It was something completly new as Act for Good was designed as an innovative system that brings together sales, social responsability, communication, community building, all in one single platform.
Silver@ Euro Effies